Photo Editing Using GIMP 2.8

1.Aishwarya Raj(2014130)
2.Sonakshi Grover(2014106)
3.Richa Choudhary(2014154)


GIMP is an advanced picture editor. You can use it to edit, enhance, and retouch photos and scans, create drawings, and make your own images. Many image file formats are supported, including JPEG and Photoshop (.psd) files.

1. GIMP Basics

i)The GIMP windows fall into four main categories. They are :
a)Toolbox window
b)Image window
c)Layers, Channels, and Paths dialogs ( we will study only layers)
d)Dialogs for selecting colors, brushes, patterns, gradients, and pale


Creating a new image :
To create a new image go to File → New . You can set its width and height according to your needs . You also have the option to set the image as a landscape or a portrait.


Pasting an image: To paste an image on the image window, go to File → Open and open the image you want to edit.

2. Layers

Layers are stacked to make images. If there are conceptual parts or particular components of images we want to work with without disturbing the rest, then by constructing an image out of layers, it is possible to work with each component independently of the rest of the image.


The Layers Dialog
Layers Palette . This region of the dialog consists of horizontal strips, each representing a single layer in the image.
The area to the far left of the Layer Thumbnail contains the Eye icon. If this icon is visible, the corresponding layer is visible in the image window. The Eye icon can be toggled off by clicking on it. This makes the corresponding layer invisible in the image window.
The middle layer strip in figure is highlighted in blue, indicating that it is the active layer .The GIMP tools and filters are applied to the active layer.

Layer Organization
Creating new layers, raising layers,lowering layers,duplicating layers and deleting layers can be done by clicking the icons in the layers dailogue .


Manipulating Layers



iv) Combining Layers

There are two ways of combining layers in the GIMP.
It is possible to merge a subset of visible layers from an image into a single layer. Go to
image → merge visible layers
This function merges all the layers regardless of their visibility in the image window. Go to
image → flatten image

3. Selections

There are two types of selection tools. The first type works by drawing lines that separate the selection subject from its background. The second type makes a selection by specifying a representative seed pixel from the subject. The selection is then made automatically by including other pixels in the image that are sufficiently similar to the seed in color.


The Six Selection Tools from the Toolbox


4. Functions

i)Invert Function
A selection partitions an image into two sets—the selected pixels and the unselected ones. It is often useful to invert a selection, which is just the swapping of these two sets on the basis of colours. Go to colours → invert.


ii)None Function
The function None in the Image:Select menu deselects everything in an image.
Go to select→ none


iii)Sharpen Function
The function Sharpen, from the Image:Select menu, removes partially selected pixels in an image by transforming those that are 50% or more selected into fully selected pixels and by fully deselecting all the remaining pixels. Thus, this function sharpens the active selection (not the image).


Go to select → Sharpen

iv) Shrink Function
The Shrink function, found in the Image:Select menu, shrinks the boundary of the current selection by the amount specified in its dialog.
Go to Select → Shrink


v)Grow Function
In contrast to Shrink, the function Grow, from the Image:Select menu, grows the boundary of the current selection by the amount specified in its dialog.
Go to Select → Grow


vi) The To Path Function
Selections can be converted to Bezier paths.The To Path function, found in the Image:Select menu, converts a selection to a Bezier


illustrates a selection created with the Ellipse Select tool, and Figure shows the result of applying To Path to it.

Go to Select → To Path

vii) Copy, Cut, and Paste
Copy, Cut, and Paste functions can be used by ctrl c ,ctrl x ,ctrl v.
viii) Stroke
The Stroke function is found in the Image:Edit menu. This command paints a selection edge's outline with the active foreground color using the active brush.
Go to edit→ stroke selection…


5.Conversion to gray scale and blending modes

a) Conversion to Grayscale


For converting a color image to grayscale,go to image → mode→ grayscale

The Blending Modes

Overlay mode

Overlay mode tends to make an image darker where it is already dark and lighter where it is already light.

b).The Darken Only and Lighten Only Blending Modes
Go to colours→ curves and then set the graph according to your needs.

Original photo
Darken Only
Lighten only

c) The Hue, Saturation, Value, and Color Blending Modes
Go to layers dialogue→ mode(drop down menu) → value









d) Opacity and Transparency


6 Web Animations

A graphic tool often seen on Web pages is the ubiquitous, animated GIF. This is an image file format that can contain a sequence of frames combining text, images, and timing information to create a flip- book-like movie. As you will see animated GIFs are easy to create, edit, and view in the GIMP.

1.Using GIF Files for Animation
2.GIMP Layers Can Behave Like Animation Frames

7. Project

7.1 Project 1: Birds in autumn
7.2 Project 2:Hat on a man
7.3 Project 3:Mermaid in ocean


This Project was created by first cropping the images of the birds to just get them as background free and then overlapping them as layers onto a background containing just a tree.


This project was developed by first cropping the hat and then onto it applying few color transformations and then placing over the man's head as a layer.


This project was created by first overlapping the small bushes onto the ocean layer.And then making mermaids by cropping the girls and overlapping cropped tails onto them and then finally using them as images to overlap on the previously created background.Finally there are some added fish images to give it an ocean like feel.

2.Google Images

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